A very high quality industrial liquid membrane type elastomer coating. THE solution for painting metal roofs, flat roofs, asphalt shingles, concrete coverings, steel structures and recreational vehicle (RV) roofs.
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The best guarantee on the market because our products are industrial
Take advantage of our ready-to-use sets: paint, degreaser, brushes, rollers ... etc
NoxSeal is formulated with high quality anti-corrosion, anti-mold and UV resistant. Water-based, it is ecological and without c.o.v. (volatile organic contaminant). It seals, protects your roof against water infiltration. Its stretching capacity of more than 240% gives it the first rank in its category, and makes NoxSeal incomparable. The useful life of the product is 15 years, therefore greater than any other similar product.
Several factors influence the reasons why a coating, liquid membrane or roofing paint offers you good protection for many long years.
There are many questions in the field and the answers you get are often tinged with the interests of sellers or contractors.
Our representatives offer clear and detailed advice to help you understand the bottom of your problem and find the most efficient solution. You can also find answers to your questions in the section FAQ.
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